Long-Distance Move

A Quick Guide to Preparing for a Long-Distance Move

Did you know that around 9.3% of Americans moved in 2020? Many people move for new opportunities, to be closer to family, new jobs, and because they found a better house.

Moving can be a stressful process, but it is even harder when doing a long distance move. When moving long-distance, you have to find a new place to live, prepare financially, and move your belongings.

Are you wondering how to prepare for a move? If so, keep reading to make a cross-country move easier.

Create a Moving Schedule

When preparing for a move, one of the first steps is to create a moving schedule. As soon as you know you’re moving, use a calendar to plan the moving date, packing, and when to hire a moving company.

If you write out all the tasks you need to complete and organize them, you will feel a lot less stressed. Creating a moving schedule will ensure that you get everything done on time.

Organize Your Belongings

Once you create a moving schedule, you should take the time to organize your stuff. The average American house has around 300,000 items. If you have that much stuff, it will be hard to move all of it across the country.

To reduce clutter in your house, determine what you should keep, what you can replace when you get to the new house, and what to donate. Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of items you no longer need.

Start Packing Early

One of the hardest things about moving is packing. If you are looking for some of the best moving tips, then you should start packing as early as possible. When you sort your belongings, identify what you can pack early.

For example, you can pack up decorations, family keepsakes, clothes that are out of season, and extra blankets. If you aren’t using the item, you can pack it up.

When you start packing, make sure you keep everything organized. Before packing, you should get plenty of boxes, tape, and markers to make the process easier.

Hire a Moving Company

If you have a lot of belongings, moving across the country on your own may seem like a difficult or impossible task. To make it easier, you should hire movers to help.

Home moving companies can help you pack, move your belongings across the country, and help you unpack when you get there. To choose the best moving company, do research, read online reviews, and interview companies.

Are You Prepared for a Long Distance Move?

While a long distance move can be a stressful time in your life, it also opens the door for new opportunities, friendships, and growth. If you are preparing for a move, keep these tips in mind.

Did you find this article on how to prepare for a move out of state helpful? If so, check out the lifestyle category for more helpful tips.

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