Tile Regrouting

Why Do You Need to Remove Old Grout Before Tile Regrouting?

Tile Regrouting

No doubt, it’s not an easy job to remove the old grout and install the new layer of grout. Because tile regrouting requires a lot of time and effort to fulfil this repetitive task. Moreover, it’s necessary to save the tiles from severe damages and cracks. 

On the other hand, it’s important to remove the layer of old grout before installing the new layer for the better and smooth texture of grout. furthermore, it’s essential for the smooth texture of tiles and grout. otherwise, inappropriate application of grout will damage the overall look and appearance of tiles. 

Is It Necessary To Remove The Old Grout?

Mostly grout requires maintenance for better look and appearance instead of removing the grout. Moreover, it’s a daunting task to remove the old grout. so, firstly check the damages through proper inspection and save the grout through maintenance if you can. For this, you can use the mild grout cleaners to clean the mould and mildew on the grout lines and corners. 

In this way, you can save the old grout and you don’t need to remove grout to update the look. No, doubt, there are numbers of professional tiles regrouters in the market. But you need to choose the right one accordingly tile’s type as well as the floor’s condition. 

However, the results of these products depend on the quality of these products. On the other hand, you can also make the cleaning solution for grout lines by using natural ingredients. These ingredients will offer the desired cleaning results and you don’t need to do the tile regrouting for the maintenance of the floor. 

Reasons Behind The Removal Of Grout:

You may need to change the grout due to numbers of reasons such as cracks and damage of grout. Moreover, you can install the new grout to change the overall look of the floor. Grout may turn black or dirty over the time and its hard to remove mould and mildew on the filthy grout. that’s why the installation of new grout is a safe and best option at that point to get rid of all these cleaning issues. 

On the other hand, you need to remove grout before attempting the new layer of grout in that area. If you don’t want to do this by yourself then you can get it through professional tiles regrouters. However, even after installing the new layer of grout, you need to do the proper cleaning of grout to save it from the future build-up of mould and mildew. 

Because grout has absorbent properties and absorbs the water easily. That’s why sealing is a better option to protect the grout as well as tiles. It will prevent the growth of mould and mildew, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. 

On the other hand, if the area is suffering from water leakage and any other issue related to water damage then there is a great need to deal with these issues first of all. Because water will deposit under the surface of tiles and grout. at that point, it’s a wastage of time and money even to hire the professional tiles regrouters to grout the tiles. 

Manual Grout Removal Process:

It’s always better to remove grout from corners initially. Because it will help to complete the work efficiently and easily. However, you can use a scraper to remove the grout on the joint lines and corners. But it will take time to remove all the grout in depth. Therefore, you need to remove it deeply for the better and smooth installation of the new layer. So, the new layer can easily adjust between the joint lines after the completion of tile regrouting process. 

To cover the narrow and small size areas, you can use a blade as well. But you need to use it with great care. Because improper usage will create scratches on the tiles. However, rakes are suitable to cover larger and wide areas. 

With the help of a rake, you can remove the layer of old grout easily. However, it takes time. so, don’t be panic and frustrated while removing the grout manually. Because if you are not doing it with care then it will damage and crack the surrounding of tiles. At that point, you may need to replace the tiles as well as grout. so, it’s better to complete the process with complete care to save the tiles and surface of the floor. 

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