Soften and Smooth Feet

How to Soften and Smooth Your Feet

Soften and Smooth Feet

If you are suffering from cracked heels, you will face embarrassing as well as pain. So, you want to hide your feet by trying new ways. There are many reasons that can cause cracked heel such as dehydration, wearing the wrong shoes, or improper diet. It’s best to find the ways to heal it so that you don’t have to face pain and bleeding.

Now, let’s discuss some essential tips in this article.

Causes of Cracked Heels

This problem may be the best unsightly of all. It is the result of your hard, dry, and rigid heels. When you put pressure on your feet, your heels also become cracked. There are some causes of dry skin such as long baths, lack of moisture, and scrubbing feet dry.

Causes of corns

Actually, this condition is smaller than calluses on the feet. They normally occur in the top of toes. If you don’t treat them, you will be painful. This problem is the result of friction. Besides, wearing a wrong pair of shoes may lead to corns.

Causes of hard skin on feet

Intermittent pressure is the main cause of this foot problem. In fact, anyone can be prone to foot calluses during their life. If you have calluses, your moving will become more difficult. There is a lot of factors that can make foot calluses more serious. They include high arches, naturally flat feet, being overweight, and pressure on the feet.

How to Remove and Soften Hard Skin

If you want to remove corns, it’s best to visit your doctor. For calluses and cracked skin, you can consider some treatments at home. Let’s take a look at the tips below to have silky soft feet.

Soak Your Feet

It’s best to start with soaking your feet for all foot treatments. This method is effective so as to soften your skin. Also, it helps you easily remove your foot problems. You should soak your feet in a basin with the warm water. You can consider some additional ingredients for more effective. Indeed, you can try the juice of lemons. It can remove the dead skin cells because of its citric acid. Besides, you can also use white vinegar if you want to heal your cracked feet effectively. Another ingredient for you is Epsom salts that help to heal your skin fast. Last, a cup of honey is necessary for moisturizing benefits.

Remove dead skin on feet

You should remove your dead skin after a soak because your feet become softer. So, you can easily remove the dead skin at that time. Then, you should take a pumice stone to rub over your feet’s soles in circular motions. Do it until you feel your skin become soft and smooth. However, if you feel sore or sensitive, it’s time to stop immediately.

Treat cracked heels

If your feet become worse to wear, it’s time to consider additional treatment. There is a lot ofhome treatment you can do for your feet. Look at some of them as below:

  • Vaseline: You can apply Vaseline onto feet. At the same time, combine it with a massage for the best result.
  • Oatmeal: Use a mixture of oatmeal and jojoba oil to massage onto your feet. Leave it for about 20 minutes for the expected result. Then, rinse your feet with refresh warm water. Next, use a towel to dry them.
  • Rice flour: You can use a mixture of rice flour, honey, and apple cider vinegar as a ratio 3:3:2. Apply this mixture to your feet. Next, leave it for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your feet.
  • Coconut oil: Use this oil to massage into your feet. You can cover them with a clean pair of socks. It’s best to wear ones made of cotton. Then, you can leave them overnight.

Use a moisturizer

Now, you already removed all of  the nasty dry skin. It’s time to use a moisturizer to soften as well as soothe your feet. Before doing this, make your feet clean completely. We advise you to apply a specialized cream because it can be able to deeply penetrate the skin.

How to get rid of dry & cracked feet

You can prevent some common foot problems more easily than treating them. In order to avoid ugly feet, consider the following tips:

Keep the right gait

Unfortunately, many people were born with flat feet. If you have flat feet, you can take your time to see a specialist. In fact, you can visit a podiatrist or a physio. Then, you may receive insoles from them. They can ask you to put insoles to your current shoes. This way is to reduce the pressure on your feet. It can be able to avoid the hard skin in the next time.

Foot moisturizer

Many people don’t pay attention to caring for their feet. Maybe, they spend their time taking care of other body parts. As a result, their feet become dry and cracked skin. Therefore, it’s important to keep your feet moisturized frequently. Repeat it every day for the best result. They can be able to soothe your tired feet. Moreover, you can also prevent your feet from crack heels and foot calluses by this method.

Wear suitable shoes

If you wear a wrong pair of shoes, you can easily get corns. In general, if you are wearing ones that are too snug, it’s not a good idea. If you still really want to wear these shoes, find methods to stretch them out before you wear on them. We advise you to ask a shoe smith to do this for you.


The last recommendation for you is to drink plenty of water in order to keep your all body parts hydrated. It’s also great to prevent dryness in your skin. Your feet should be kept comfortable all the time. They deserve the best care. Try all the tips above, and you will feel your feet become better. Hope you enjoyed our sharing today.

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