
The Quickest Way to Gain Muscles Safely

Strength training can decrease your risk of injury, increase bone density, increase your lean body mass, and boost your metabolic rate. As a result, you can improve your overall health and potentially avoid obesity or other health conditions. Lifting weights isn’t the only way to gain muscles, though.

Here are a few easy ways you can learn how to gain muscle fast. With these tips, you can accomplish your strength goals and improve your health.

Start getting swole with these tips today!

Establish Goals

First, it’s important to outline your specific strength training goals for the year. Establishing goals can help you determine the best way to accomplish each one. A well-thought-out plan can help you remain organized and on schedule.

Consider making goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Driven, Timely). Make sure to set a deadline for each goal. Then, get specific by determining how you’ll attain each goal.

For example, perhaps you want to improve your arm strength. Consider:

  • The specific arm muscles you’ll focus on
  • Which exercises will help increase arm muscle mass
  • How often you’ll work out
  • How long you’ll need to recover
  • A specific number of lifts

Make sure to focus on your technique. Otherwise, using the wrong technique could lead to unintentional injuries. You’ll struggle to accomplish your strength training goals, too. 

Then, break your larger SMART goals into smaller benchmarks with their own deadlines. If you’re not meeting your smaller deadlines, reevaluate your plan. You might need to consider different exercises.

Consider how your muscles respond to different exercises or the number of lifts you complete, too. Evaluating your progress will help you make informed changes along the way. 

Build and Store

Protein synthesis is the process that allows the body to store protein. The more protein it stores, the larger muscles can grow. However, your body naturally drains protein stores for other processes (like hormone production).

You can counteract this process by building and storing new proteins before the body can break down existing ones.

Try consuming more protein to build and store before breakdown occurs. 

Eat More Protein

If you want to achieve fast muscle growth, you need to consider foods that help you gain muscle. After all, you are what you eat! For more muscle, you need to eat more protein.

Working out will cause your muscles to break down. Eating more protein will help build your muscles back up. You can solidify recovery by increasing your protein intake.

Try to get 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per meal. For example, you can consume more protein powder, Greek yogurt, or eggs. 

As you make adjustments to your diet, try to focus on your color surplus (rather than your deficit). 

You’ll need to consume more calories than you burn each day to build muscle mass quickly. Try to eat about 200 to 500 extra calories. 

Otherwise, a calorie deficit can downshift the body’s tendency to create new muscle. If your body is in short supply of food, it won’t prioritize muscle growth. 

Increase Volume

Your training volume is the number of reps multiplied by the number of sets. Training volume can help determine your hypertrophy (how to grow muscles).

When you increase your training volume, consider going lower in weight.

Intensity can drop during the hypertrophy phase of your program. 

Make sure you’re getting the volume your muscles need. Start by performing each lift for three to six sets per 10 to 20 reps. You can also work with a personal trainer to determine the best way to increase your training volume.

Working with a trainer can ensure you’re using the proper technique for each weight training exercise, too. 

Focus on Eccentric

With weight training, you experience both a concentric and eccentric phase. Concentric is considered the hard phase while eccentric is considered the easy phase.

For example, lowering into a squat is an eccentric action, while returning to standing position is concentric.

Eccentric work is better for triggering hypertrophy when you’re trying to gain muscles.

Try to increase the amount of eccentric efforts during your workouts.

First, try to slow down the eccentric phase of every exercise you perform. You can add eccentric-only variations to your regimen, too. 

When focusing on eccentric-only exercises, make sure you’re increasing the weight you use. 

Consider Rest Intervals

If you want to achieve quick muscle growth, you need to consider every phase of your routine. That included your between-set rest intervals.

When lifting for hypertrophy, schedule 30 to 90 seconds of rest between sets. These rest intervals can increase muscle-building hormones like human growth hormone and testosterone. It can also ensure you fatigue your muscles during workouts.

Fatiguing your muscles is a prerequisite for hypertrophy. Let yourself feel that burn!

Snack on Casein

Try snacking on casein protein before bed.

Your body slowly absorbs this protein into the bloodstream, allowing it to feed muscles amino acids for longer than other proteins. Consuming casein protein before bed can help you build muscle as you sleep.

You can find casein in cottage cheese, milk, and Greek yogurt. 

Sleep Soundly

Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep each night if you want to ensure muscle recovery and growth. As you sleep, your body will release human growth hormone. This hormone helps the body grow muscles.

It also keeps the stress hormone cortisol in check.

Without enough sleep, your body will struggle to produce muscle-building hormones. 

Try Supplements

You can also discover how to gain muscle fast by ensuring your body has the vitamins and minerals it needs. Consider adding supplements like creatine and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) to your routine.

Creatine promotes muscle growth. It could help you lift more reps in the future, too.

HMB prevents muscle-protein breakdown. It can also speed exercise recovery and encourage natural muscle growth. 

You could struggle to get the vitamins and supplements you need from your diet alone. Taking supplements can help improve your workouts.

You can learn more about bodybuilding supplements here.

Gain Muscles: Show Off Your Strength With These Tips

Want to get swole? Learn how to gain muscles with these easy tips. Learning how to gain muscle fast can help you accomplish your strength training goals without delay.

Don’t forget to add the right supplements, foods, and exercises to your routine this year!

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