Whiten your Teeth At Home

How to Whiten your Teeth At Home? Complete Guide

Teeth begin to pale after an age due to many reasons. Some people suffer from the paleness of teeth earlier while some later depending on their eating habits and dental hygiene practices. People spend thousands of dollars on buying teeth whitening products every year.

However, there are many other methods that you can try at home to whiten your teeth. You don’t need to spend on expensive products. This post shares some teeth whitening methods that you can use at home.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling

People in eastern countries have been using oil pulling for oral hygiene. To try the method of oil pulling you need to take two spoons of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth. Oil pulling removes the bacteria that cause plaque and paling of teeth. People in India also use sunflower and sesame oil for the process, but you can use any natural oil that is available in your country.

Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is mildly abrasive and can remove a layer of paleness from your teeth. Due to its antibacterial action, it is also used in toothpaste and toothpowders. To use this home remedy, you need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of water and brush your teeth with this paste.

Teeth whitening with fruits

Papayas and pineapples are excellent fruits for teeth whitening. The papain in papayas and bromelain in pineapple both helps in whitening of teeth. Eating these fruits regularly can help you whiten your teeth, but you need to eat them for months to see a difference.

Some people also rub their teeth with the banana peels to whiten their teeth. Rubbing your teeth with the inner side of banana peels can bleach your teeth and brighten them.

Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties that can help you to whiten the teeth. For optimal bleaching, a person can brush their teeth using a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen oxide for 1-2 minutes twice a day for a week. They only have to do this sometimes.

Hydrogen Peroxide may increase dental sensitivity, so it is not suitable for long-term use or for people who already have sensitive teeth.

Teeth whitening kits

Teeth whitening kits

A teeth whitening contains carbamide peroxide that is capable of removing the surface and deep stains effectively. It is useful to stains from regular consumption of tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks. Some kits come with a peroxide-based gel that you need to apply on your teeth while others look like a tray.

You need to put the tray on your jaw for 30 to 45 minutes that allows the gel to come in contact with your teeth. Using these kits for the recommended time can remove the stains from your teeth and make them brighter than before.

Brush and Floss regularly

While some paleness naturally comes with age, it usually happens as a result of plaque formation. Regular brushing and flossing your teeth can help retain their brightness and controls the bacteria in your mouth and preventing the formation of the plaque.

The toothpaste slowly removes the stains on your teeth, and flossing removes the bacteria from which the plaque develops. Regular teeth cleaning can also keep your teeth white and bright.

Whitening toothpaste

There are any teeth whitening toothpaste available in the markets. You can buy any of them if your teeth and gums are not sensitive. However, in case of sensitive teeth or gums, you must consult our dentist before using toothpaste for brightening your teeth.

Avoid tea and coffee

Avoid tea and coffee

Tea and coffee can stain your teeth if you drink these two beverages regularly. The teeth of people who consume tea and coffee are usually pale. Therefore, people who want to brighten their teeth should stop consuming tea and coffee or drink them in moderation. It is essential to rinse our mouth with mouthwash immediately after drinking tea or coffee.

Limit sugary foods

Sugar creates acids in our mouth that can harm the enamel and forms a layer on teeth that leads to discoloration and paleness. People with pale teeth should avoid the intake of sugary foods and beverages. Also, limit the intake of citrus fruits as they also contain acid that is harmful to teeth. Instead, consume crunchy fruits and vegetables that scrub your teeth and brighten them naturally.

Visit a dentist

Many people don’t visit a dentist until a problem arises. You can consult your dentist to suggest you a teeth whitening method. The dental services are amazing for teeth whitening. People must visit a dentist for any type of dental issues.

Final words

These are the best tips to whiten your teeth naturally at home. Following any of these tips regularly can help any individual or family to bright their teeth. The natural remedies take time, but if you need fast results, you should contact your dentist.

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