
What Is the Best Way to Publish a Book? 3 Options

Did you know that print and e-book sales reached nearly 950 million units in 2020?

Although people are using the internet as a primary source for learning and reading, books are still just as important.

If you have a book that you want to publish but aren’t sure how to, there are a couple of methods to consider. 

Continue reading to learn which will be the best way to publish a book that you want to get on the shelves!

1. Self-Publish

The best way to publish a book on a budget is to self-publish it. 

If you self-publish this means that you will be responsible for printing, editing, and formatting. You will also need to do the marketing with your resources and design everything to your plan. 

Many people recommend using Lulu publishing as a resource if you take on the task alone. You can get help with finding tips and tools that will make your job easier. This is important because you can learn how to make money and manage customer interactions.

This is the best way to get a fantasy book published if companies aren’t interested in your work. Many successful writers have been turned down and it wasn’t until they did it independently that they became known. 

2. Traditional 

The traditional way of getting your book on the shelves is by working with a publishing house.

New York City is a major hub for publishing companies that can handle your printing and marketing needs on a large scale. This is a desirable method since writing for a company will increase your success and sales because they can access a bigger crowd. 

Keep in mind that the company will own certain rights to your company and revenue from the book. Fortunately, most people don’t mind, especially when they need help to get established.

3. Contractor

Finding a literary agent to support your book can be a great plan if you don’t want to work with large printing companies.

Publishing contractors typically freelance work and help people get through the publishing process. This is a perfect option for people that don’t feel confident doing it themselves or there are too many details that become overwhelming.

With their knowledge and resources, you can make a small investment with a major outcome.

Do You Know the Best Way to Publish a Book?

Finding the best way to publish a book will depend on how much money you have to invest and your career goals. 

Whether you want to handle it yourself, get a partner, or have an entire company at your disposal, you can get your book on the shelves. Depending on how much money you can invest and the support that you need, you can turn a draft into a printed novel in no time.

Don’t be afraid to turn the page and dive into your writing career with a wonderful story.

Be sure to check out our blog page for more articles about writing a book and following your career goals!

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