
Hiring Manager vs Recruiter: What Are the Differences?

Did you know that it takes an average of 41 working days to fill a job role?

If you’re a business owner, this is unacceptable. You need to find a better way to fill job roles quickly, so you operate better.

If you don’t have the right employees, you won’t get the work done successfully. To maximize your company’s success, it’s important to understand how to approach the hiring process.

But what’s the best way to do it? Who should you put on the front line of the hiring process? Check out the differences between hiring manager vs recruiter here.

Defining the Roles of a Hiring Manager vs Recruiter

If you’re job hunting, it’s important to know the difference between a hiring manager and a recruiter. This is so you can target your applications accordingly. While both hiring managers and recruiters play a role in the hiring process, there are some key differences between the two.

To find the best possible candidates for a position, businesses often utilize both hiring managers and recruiters. The distinctions between a hiring manager and a recruiter may not be immediately clear. But they are crucial to understanding if you want to land your dream job.

What is a Hiring Manager

Basically, hiring managers are the ones managing the hiring process. They are responsible for finding candidates and making the final decision about who to hire.

Hiring managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the department. They also oversee the hiring process.

They are usually in charge of a specific department or team. They are responsible for finding and hiring candidates for open positions. Moreover, they are also focused on filling one specific position.

Hiring managers are usually internal employees who work for the company. They are responsible for creating the job posting and ensuring that it is accurate and reflects the needs of the company. That’s the reason why hiring managers are more likely to be familiar with the company’s culture and the team that the new hire would be joining.

When hiring, hiring managers look at the specific skills and experiences that a candidate has that makes them a good fit for the job. They are typically more focused on the technical skills and not on the general qualifications.

Since a hiring manager is responsible for the entire hiring process from start to finish, he/she identifies the needs of the organization and develop recruiting strategies to attract the best candidates.

Both the recruiter and the hiring manager conducts the interviews. However, the final interview with the hiring manager will be more specific on the job description. If you are the candidate, you’ll need to showcase your skills and knowledge on the specific job role you’re applying for. 

So, in choosing a hiring manager vs recruiter, a hiring manager may not have as much time to dedicate to recruiting efforts. This is because a hiring manager is more focused on the day-to-day operations of his/her department.

What is a Recruiter

Hiring managers are in-house employees of a company. On the other hand, recruiters typically work for staffing agencies. They are usually external employees. They are also responsible for screening and referring candidates for multiple positions.

A recruiter is responsible for conducting initial interviews and reference checks. A recruiter works with candidates to help them find suitable positions within companies. 

What recruiters look for is the first impression they have of a candidate that can be based on their resume and cover letter. They focus on the personality fit of the candidates. 

However, recruiters are generally more focused on finding qualified candidates, regardless of whether or not they’re a perfect fit for the open position. Additionally, recruiters typically work with multiple clients, so they may not be as familiar with the company’s culture and values.

Additionally, recruiters typically have more experience working with candidates. That is why they develop more relationships with them. Also, hiring managers are more focused on the business side of things. While recruiters are more objective and can provide a wider range of options.

Finally, recruiters are usually more involved in the early stages of the hiring process. And hiring managers are typically more hands-off until later on.

Recruiters are the ones who reviews the resumes of the candidates. They are also the ones who narrows down the list before handing it to the hiring manager.

To generally compare, the recruiter’s role is to find qualified candidates and present them to the hiring manager. The recruiter may also be involved in conducting initial screenings and interviews. But the hiring manager has the final say in who is hired.

In need of help in your hiring process? Check out the benefits of recruitment outsourcing through Bradford Jacobs. 

How to Choose the Right Option for Your Hiring Needs

To determine whether you should be working with a hiring manager or a recruiter, it is important to understand the difference between the two. No matter which routes you take, remember that a little research goes a long way. Knowing the difference between a hiring manager vs recruiter is the first step to employing the best candidates.

The hiring manager and the recruiter both play important roles in the process of finding and hiring new employees. Without both of these roles, the process would be much more difficult and time-consuming.

Want to read more of our helpful guides? Check out the rest of our articles. 

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