
Missing Teeth? 5 Practical Benefits of Dental Implants

You and pictures don’t mix. You try to stop yourself from smiling because of the state of your teeth. After your recent dentist visit, you want to smile even less. 

They’re going to have to pull a few of your teeth. That means you’re going to need dentures or implants. 

Out of the two, there are more benefits of dental implants. They can help restore the state of your smile and give you more confidence. They’re also easy to maintain and can prevent further tooth loss. 

Interested in learning everything that implants can do for you? Keep reading to find out more. 

1. They Prevent Further Tooth Loss 

Your remaining teeth are held together by the root. As time goes on, they’ll attempt to gravitate toward the gaps left behind by your missing ones to fill the void. 

When they move, it loosens them up and makes them vulnerable to falling out.

That’s where the different types of dental implants come in. Dentures sit on top of your gums, so they don’t stop your teeth from shifting. Implants go directly into the jawbone and act as an artificial root. 

2. They Keep Gum Disease Away 

If you don’t get implants, the place where your teeth used to be will be vulnerable to bacteria. This bacteria can cause gum disease

If left unchecked, the infection will decay your remaining teeth. Gum disease can also lead to other health conditions like diabetes and stroke. 

3. They Look Natural 

As you’ll notice here, one of the biggest reasons to get dental implants is that they look completely natural.

Your dentist will sit down with you to match your implants to the color of your other teeth. Nobody will know that you have implants unless you tell them. 

4. They Allow You to Keep a Healthy Diet 

The problem with dentures is that they don’t offer much in terms of bite force. That means your food options will be sort of limited. Some people have an issue with their dentures falling out during a meal. 

Implants are secured into your jawbone. They won’t budge when you take a bite out of your favorite foods. 

5. They Are Easy to Maintain 

Getting implants is way easier in terms of maintenance than dentures because you can brush and floss them the same way you do your other teeth. 

You won’t have to buy any special products to keep them clean. There are no tablets or goopy adhesives that tend to get everywhere. 

Take Advantage of These Benefits of Dental Implants 

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits of dental implants. They act the same way as natural teeth. They prevent your remaining teeth from shifting or falling out. 

They’re easy to maintain, and you can continue eating your favorite foods. What’s not to love? Talk to your dentist about your implant options today.

For more tips that will help you take care of your pearly whites, visit the Health section of our blog. 

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