
Undecided? Here’s How to Choose the Right Major

The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. That’s more than 10 years.

Of course, working is a natural part of life. We must work to earn money for things like food, shelter, cars, and various luxuries.

Because we spend so much of our time at work, it’s essential that we enjoy what we do. Otherwise, we’ll spend every hour wishing we were somewhere else doing something else.

Therefore, choosing a major is an important life decision. Not only are you investing time, energy, and money into your schooling, but you’re also laying down your career path.

We’re here to help you make the right choice. Keep reading for the ultimate guide on how to choose a college major.

Assess Your Interests

First, take a look inward to identify your interests. What are you passionate about? Choosing a career you’re not passionate about is a guaranteed way to get burned out with your job.

If you like helping people, consider going into medicine. You might also be interested in an addiction studies degree.

We also recommend playing to your strengths and recognizing your weaknesses. If you’re not a people person, for example, you might prefer a career with limited human interaction. Or maybe becoming a veterinarian is the right path?

Define Your Professional Goals

After assessing your interests, determine how deep into the industry you want to dive. There are varying levels of degrees you can pursue after choosing a major. For example, most fields have:

  • Associate degrees
  • Bachelor degrees
  • Joint degrees
  • Graduate degrees

And remember, you don’t have to commit to a graduate degree right away. You can get your bachelor’s degree and gain experience in the industry before going back to school to receive further education.

Identify Which Schools Offer the Right Programs

You need to put in some research when learning how to choose a major. Depending on your situation, you might not have access to the right school for your major of choice. If you have a home and a family, going back to college full-time might not be an option.

Fortunately, most schools offer online programs. Yet, some classes can only be taken on-site. When choosing a major, make sure it’s a realistic goal based on your lifestyle and circumstances.

Consider the Costs

Finally, understand that going to college and obtaining a degree costs money. You can save money if you take online classes or live at home rather than on campus. Regardless, you will incur student debt.

Make sure you have your finances in order before committing to your degree. Will you work part-time while going to school? How are you going to pay your bills?

Additionally, when choosing a major, make sure it’s something you can see yourself doing long-term. Otherwise, you’ll be spending money on something you won’t’ use, which is more common than you think.

Having Trouble Choosing a Major?

Are you thinking, “I can’t choose a major?” If so, we hope this guide helps you come to the right decision.

Remember, there is no rush. Take your time choosing a major that will place you on a sustainable career path that you’re passionate about. Don’t make an impulse decision that you’ll learn to regret.

For more lifestyle advice or career tips, don’t go anywhere. Check out some of our other articles while you’re here to find more valuable insight. Our blog was created to help people like you navigate their way through life.

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