
4 Steady Steps To Stop Drinking Alcohol Within the Year

Nearly 14 million American adults suffer from alcohol use disorder. Left untreated, this can lead to many short and long-term health issues.

If you are a regular alcohol drinker and want to take steps to stop alcohol consumption throughout the upcoming year, it’s easier than you think.

The first step to getting sober is admitting you have a problem. From there, you can work towards regaining your health and lifestyle through excellent alcohol addiction treatment.

Why not work towards getting healthy in the new year? Here is a step-by-step plan of how to stop drinking alcohol.

1. Establish Your Reasons for Quitting and Stay Motivated

First and foremost, it is important for an individual who wishes to stop drinking alcohol to establish their reasons for doing so. Reaching a clear and concrete understanding of why you are quitting is important for staying motivated. A few motivating factors for quitting drinking might include the following:

  • reaching better health
  • improving overall wellness
  • reaching particular work
  • family
  • fitness-related goals
  • saving money

Once individuals have established why they are choosing to quit drinking, they should make a plan of action.

2. Make a Point of Avoiding Triggers

Regularly avoiding triggers is an essential step to stopping drinking alcohol permanently and maintaining sobriety. Assess your drinking patterns to evaluate how often, how much, and when you consume alcohol. Knowing these habits can help identify potential triggers that might lead to alcohol relapse or setbacks along the way.

Create a list of triggers and actively work to avoid them. Being mindful of where and when you consume alcohol can prevent impulse decisions. Steering clear of companies and environments that promote drinking can also minimize risks.

3. Find Healthy Alternatives to Drinking

Find healthy alternatives to drinking that bring joy and excitement, such as a new hobby, exercise, or taking on a fun weekend project. Drinking can be replaced with other activities that relieve stress, boost creativity, and lift the mood. In doing so, drinking can be replaced with something better, leading to improved overall health in the end.

4. Reach Out to Your Support Network

One of the most important steps is to reach out to your support network. This could include family, friends, and peers who can offer emotional and practical guidance. Surrounding yourself with a positive, non-judgmental group can help establish a sense of trust and accountability.

It will also provide a recovering alcoholic with an essential outlet for the emotions that come with quitting drinking. Additionally, it can help to draw strength from hearing the experiences of others who have successfully stopped drinking.

If you wish to undergo a more advanced treatment but need help with resources, there are options available for you. You can reach out to local programs or foundations, such as The Peter Dodge Foundation, to help you.

Start Your Journey to Stop Drinking Alcohol Today

By taking steady steps, you can make significant progress to stop drinking alcohol within the year. Take the necessary steps to quit, get the help and support you need, be patient with yourself, and keep yourself accountable for your goals.

Taking control of your health and well-being should not be taken lightly. Make the decision and stay committed today, the rewards will be invaluable!

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