
5 Signs You May Need a Water Heater Replacement

While your family uses an average of 64 gallons of hot water every day, the water heater isn’t an appliance most give much thought to.

You turn the faucet many, many times per day and just expect hot water to come out. Until it doesn’t, that is.

Fortunately, you should get plenty of warning before that happens as long as you pay attention to the most common signs it’s time for a water heater replacement.

1. Age of Water Heater

A traditional tank water heater lasts around 10 years or so. If yours has hit that mark, replacement makes far more sense than a water heater repair. Good maintenance will keep it going through its maximum lifespan, but this is one place where taking a proactive approach might be the best plan rather than waiting for it to fail.

2. Water Leak

Over time, the temperature changes of the water expand and contract the tank. The tank’s metal becomes brittle, and small fractures can develop and start leaking.

You’re more likely to notice the problem when the tank is actively heating water. If that’s the case, you should have the heater checked because it could eventually burst along one of those cracks. A professional plumbing service like American Rooter & Drain can assess the cause of the leak and whether it’s something that requires replacing the unit.

3. Weird Noises

Most of your appliances make noise of one kind or another. As your water heater ages, though, you might start to hear noises you’ve never noticed before.

Rumbling, banging, or pinging are often caused by sediment buildup in the bottom of the tank. This is often solved by flushing the tank, but if the noises remain, it can be a sign of a more serious problem.

4. Discolored Water

When your water runs any color other than clear, it’s usually a cause for concern. If the water has a slight red tint to it, it could be that you have rust in your water heater, which might also mean there’s a leak. Hazy water could mean sediment from the tank is flowing out through the pipes.

Rust isn’t a fixable issue, so if you’re still getting hot water, it’s time to get a plumbing company out to replace the tank.

5. Not Enough Hot Water

Running out of hot water sooner than normal is definitely a sign the heater is close to dying. A sudden issue could be a clog that’s keeping the water from getting to you, which a water heater services company can diagnose and fix. But more often, you’ll just notice the hot water isn’t lasting as long as it used to.

You might also notice an issue with the hot water flowing in some parts of the house but not others. The water could be hot sometimes and not at others. All are symptoms the heater is near the end of its lifespan.

Is It Time for a Water Heater Replacement?

When you notice any of these five symptoms, you should start planning for a new water heater. As your unit ages, a water heater replacement makes more sense than repair, and a new unit can save you money thanks to improved energy efficiency.

If you found this article helpful, check out others on our site about plumbing issues and other home repair topics.

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