
5 Things You Need To Do Before Moving Day

Can you believe that over 40 million people move each year?

While finding a new home can be an incredible experience, preparing to move is often a nightmare for most of us. From things getting lost or broken to not having access to essential items and more, there are plenty of reasons why moving is such a hassle.

Do you want to know what you can do to make moving day as stress-free as possible? Read on, so you can learn the top things you should do before you move to make life easier.

1. Transfer Your Utilities and Other Bills

One of the most important things that has to be on your moving day checklist is transfer your utilities and other bills to your new property. There’s nothing more horrifying than spending a long day moving in only to realize you don’t have running water or electricity.

Make sure you get in touch with your bank, credit card companies, car insurance company, and more so that you can update your address.

2. Give Your Home a Deep Clean

It’s always wise to give your home a deep clean before you move so that your moving day is less hectic. You may be surprised by how much grime can accumulate in your living space, so getting this chore done early will be a huge relief.

This can also help you prevent losing your deposit if you’re a renter since landlords charge extra to take care of dirty homes.

3. Organize Your Boxes Like a Pro

Packing is an annoying chore which is why most people want to speed through it. It’s worth slowing down during the packing process so that your unpacking process will be much faster.

In addition to packing in an organized manner, you should write descriptive labels on each box and stack them by room so that you or your movers know where everything goes.

4. Eat Your Way Through Your Kitchen

One of the lesser-known things you should do before moving day is eat as much of the food that’s in your kitchen as possible. Both perishable and non-perishable foods are a hassle to pack and transport, so you can do yourself a big favor by chipping away at your reserves instead of getting new things at the store each week.

The last thing you’d want to do is waste tons of money by throwing out good food.

5. Pack a Moving Bag

Out of all of the moving mistakes out there, nothing is more frustrating than digging through your boxes and searching for items you need. This is why packing a moving bag is essential.

Toiletries, a few outfits, medication, electronic devices, and other things you need to access on a regular basis should go in this bag instead of a random box.

Are You Ready to Tackle Moving Day?

Moving day should be an exciting experience rather than a dreadful one. Using this advice will ensure that you can start this new chapter on the right note.

Craving more lifestyle tips? Have a look at the rest of our website!

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