
7 Dental SEO Content Ideas for 2022

Nearly 80% of all Americans have some level of gum disease. That number is quite shocking, but it also makes sense, as 42% of adults have reported visiting the dentist less than once a year.

Even though it’s something almost all adults know they should do, many can’t or won’t make it a priority. If you are a dentist and are looking for ways to get these adults into your office, you may want to focus on your dental SEO.

Indeed, SEO can help any type of business, and dentists are no exception. To get started, though, you’ll need to learn some content ideas that are relevant for 2022.

Keep reading below for more information.

1. Staff Biographies

A great place to start when creating SEO content is with your team. While many businesses don’t need to focus on their “About Us” page, dentists should.

One of the most common reasons that people avoid going to the dentist is because they don’t trust them. Whether they had a bad experience in the past, or they’ve heard of others that had, dentists as a concept tend to have a rough reputation.

You can easily fix this by creating staff biographies. Allow your customers to get to know the receptionists, the dental hygienists, and the rest of your team.

Make sure to include SEO keywords to help optimize your posts. Add visuals, too, such as photographs of the staff or create a welcome video.

2. Video Office Tours

Similar to your staff, you should also create a video that gives a tour of your dental office. If you have created a space that you are proud of, you should show it off.

You don’t have to have professional videographer skills to do it, either. Make sure everything looks clean, new, and welcoming, and focus on lighting the video properly.

Like a house tour on a realtor’s website, everything should look its best and allow your potential customers to see themselves there. A modern dentist’s office is a much different place than what a dental office was ten or twenty years ago.

Focus on making your office stand out. The more people that see it and share it, the better for your website’s search engine optimization.

3. Blog Posts Answering FAQs

One of the most effective ways to increase SEO is by creating blog posts that demonstrate your professionalism and expertise in the field.

This will also show potential customers that you really know what you’re talking about, which can help to increase trust.

Start by creating blog posts that answer the most common questions that your patients ask you or your staff. You can then also advise on caring for common dental ailments. Always incorporate keywords into your posts.

Make sure that what you write has value. The higher the quality, the better for SEO. If you consistently create this content, you will rank even higher.

You want someone to Google a dental FAQ and your website to pop up with the answer. If you think there are questions out there that haven’t been answered or that you could answer better, write those blog posts.

4. Information on Dental Procedures and Treatments

Just like with your FAQ blog posts, you can also branch out into writing about procedures and treatments that you perform at your office.

Most people will look up their procedures or treatments so they know what to expect. Many will do so before visiting a dentist, so if you have the answers and you create posts that are entertaining, memorable, and useful, you may even be able to turn these viewers into customers.

Along with this, this type of content is extremely shareable. And, again, the more someone shares your pages, the better your SEO, and the more organic online traffic you will see.

5. Local SEO Content

When considering various digital marketing ideas, it’s wise to look into local SEO. This will specifically target internet users that are in your area.

First, you want to ensure that your Google My Business listing is completely filled out and optimized. This will help your business show up when someone searches for local dentist offices.

You should also create content such as blog posts or videos that target your local area. Use specific keywords, such as “dental office in Northern Virginia”.

One of the easiest ways to use local SEO is through social media platforms, as you can utilize local hashtags.

6. Customer Testimonials

If you want your digital marketing to work for itself, then include customer testimonials in your SEO plan. This can be a part of your blog or a separate page on your website.

You can include customer reviews, before and after photos, or even video interviews with happy customers. Keep in mind your use of keywords, and make this page a prominent element on your website.

7. Discuss Dental Niches

If you specialize in a specific type of dentistry, such as pediatric or holistic, create content surrounding that. This will help to improve your dental SEO because you will be more likely to stand out among the crowds.

There is not much information out there about holistic dentistry, especially from trusted sources. The more niche-centered information you can provide, the better.

Become the Master of Dental SEO With These Content Ideas

Learning how to master dental SEO is a bit overwhelming, but it’s quite easy once you get into it. There are so many different ways to go about it, so make sure to tailor it to your specific practice.

Remember, you are trying to show the world why they should choose you over everyone else, so that requires a bit of effort and creativity. If you stay persistent, the results will follow.

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