Install a Synthetic Turf for your outdoor area

How to Install a Synthetic Turf for your outdoor area?

Installing synthetic turf for your outdoor area is easy. You need a few proper tools and know-how to get it done right the first time. In this article, we’ll be talking about some of the top benefits and features of common synthetic turf.

Install a Synthetic Turf for your outdoor area

Synthetic turf for outdoor areas is a real trend these days. The advantages of using synthetic turf are numerous: no watering, no mowing and low maintenance costs. In this article, you will get to know the importance of installing synthetic turf in your outdoors. The process is rather simple, even though it might look complicated at first glance.

Most artificial grass does have a significant impact on its surrounding environment – which is a good thing because synthetic turf could save the world. Just read on to learn more about the benefits of artificial grass and how it might potentially save the planet.

As pervasive as choosing synthetic grass is, those who make a choice to install an artificial lawn in their home or business often don’t realise that there are many benefits beyond saving thousands of gallons of water. Installing synthetic grass comes with various other benefits that homeowners and business owners should consider before making their final choice. This article provides a simple guide to the installation of synthetic turf.

Measuring your space

When installing synthetic turf, it is crucial to know how big of an area you are covering so you can buy enough of the product. One of the biggest obstacles to laying a turf lawn is the size of your garden. It is important that you measure the area carefully before making a purchase and buy more than you need. You will need help from someone else when installing your turf. You also need a smooth and flat area for the turf to be installed on.

Pre-installation work

Remove the existing material to carry out a smooth installation process. Demolition is the process of taking down any existing materials, whether they be soil, weeds or anything else that is above ground. Check that existing irrigation lines are working properly, and make any necessary adjustments. These pre-installation techniques will give you a platform to work fast. 

Excavate the surface 

The area where you’re installing synthetic grass needs to be prepared before it is laid. Installation of your synthetic grass can be a time-consuming task. Preparing the site as best as possible before you begin laying turf is essential. Excavation can be a costly process, but it is essential to ensure the longevity and vibrancy of your artificial grass product.

Preparing the base

There’s nothing worse than a lumpy, bumpy lawn. It looks unprofessional and is dangerous for kids and pets running around. Preparing the base properly before laying artificial grass is essential for a smooth lawn that lasts for years. You must also calculate the amount of base required to ensure the installation is done precisely. 

Rolling out and trimming the turf

The most difficult part is ensuring that the cut turf will be smooth on both sides after you make it. When laying turf, it should be laid out on the ground first. You’ll need to cut the turf slightly with a utility knife longer than it needs to be. You can trim it to size later. Trim the turf to size with your utility knife. Make sure to make it flat and smooth against the edges of the garden.

Rolling and placing the turf

We’re halfway there. After you finish compacting the base, lay out the synthetic turf. Allow it to rest and relax for a couple of hours, unrolled, so that the creases can settle before you begin decorating. 

Join the synthetic turf with an adhesive strip

Tape the adhesive to the turf and cut it to size. Join the two pieces of turf by folding back the edges where they need to be connected and removing the backing paper from the adhesive tape. Properly joining the synthetic turf with adhesive is a crucial process in installing it. You may have seen some tips and tricks on laying synthetic grass before. However, there are two important things that you need to consider when laying all-weather surfaces to get it just right. That is ensuring the grass is laid in the same direction.

Protect the turf for a more realistic look

Continue to lay the turf until you have covered the entire area. Spread a layer of white sand on the grass and evenly spread it with a broom or the back of a rake. This will protect the turf from UV rays. After you have created the layers of white sand, throw green sand on top of that to give it a more realistic look. 

The benefits of synthetic turf

Synthetic grass is a very smart and suitable solution for your lawn, and it has several benefits that make it more convenient than natural grass. Given that so many homeowners are going to choose artificial grass as their turf of choice, it is important for homeowners to know the facts. Read about the hidden benefits of synthetic turf below:

Low maintenance

Artificial grass requires very little care and attention, unlike a natural lawn that needs mowing, watering and possibly fertiliser to keep it looking healthy. 

Long-lasting & Cost effective

Synthetic turf provides many advantages over traditional grass, including lower maintenance and not requiring water. It allows you to have the perfect landscape design all year round and saves on water, fertiliser and maintenance costs.

Perfect look

Synthetic turf is a realistic, low-maintenance solution to your landscaping needs. It is an attractive, long-lasting way to improve the look of your garden. It’s low maintenance, hard-wearing and environmentally friendly. These days, it’s possible to buy artificial turf that looks just like the real thing.

Appropriate for children

Synthetic turf is a great alternative to the traditional grass required to play. In fact, artificial turf is so versatile that your child could play on it in your backyard and not get dirty grass or mud stains. 

Fits busy lifestyle

No doubt, artificial grass is a great alternative to natural grass. It is perfect for those who have busy lives and don’t have the time to mow their lawns regularly. Synthetic grass is an excellent option in areas where real lawns are difficult or possible to maintain. While there are many reasons for this, synthetic turf offers a wide array of benefits that simply cannot be found in natural grass, including better resistance to weather conditions, no need for mowing, low-maintenance costs, reduced labour and water consumption, and drastically longer lifespan.

A highly versatile investment

Artificial grass is a viable alternative to natural grass, especially in an area frequently exposed to outside elements. There are now many companies that offer artificial synthetic turf that looks just like real grass, and it can be installed in a day or two. The artificial turf is also easy to maintain and can match the fineness of real grass. 

Synthetic turf, or artificial grass, is a great way for homeowners to enjoy the benefits of having well-manicured lawns whilst maintaining the flexibility of not having to mow it on a regular basis.  

Final Thoughts

If you’ve decided to invest a synthetic turf for your outdoor area, then don’t worry; it won’t be a hard job. If you need to install a synthetic turf cover for your patio or balcony, the process can be done by following these simple steps. Use these tips for the installation, and you won’t have any problems. The most important thing is to lay the base of your new lawn properly and never rush. 

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