
Common Causes of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Forget a bad haircut or pimple on your nose. According to science, nothing says “unattractive” like sleep deprivation or stress.

But wait a minute. How can someone see those things just by looking at you? Those dark circles under your eyes give you away every time.

Let’s take a look at what makes dark circles under your eyes so you can deal with them and have one less thing keeping you from looking beautiful.


Sorry to say, but for some people, it’s impossible to truly get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Genetics play a big factor in who is prone to getting them.

People with darker skin are more likely to have them, and others are just born with a predisposition to dark circles. If you have a family history of certain medical conditions like thyroid disease or anemia, you might also tend to develop circles.


Another factor you can’t completely control is aging. With age, the skin around your eyes starts to thin, making them more prone to look puffy. The loss of fat and collagen makes the dark blood vessels around your eye more visible and causes the dark rings.

There are a few treatments you can try to reduce the impact of aging. Check out this blog for some home remedies to try.

Sleep Patterns

A change in your sleep pattern can lead to dark circles as well, but it’s one thing you can control. Lack of sleep can cause fluid to build up around your eyes and lead to dark shadows from puffiness. It also makes your skin paler, which makes the blood vessels under the eyes stand out more.

Oversleeping isn’t much better, resulting in some of the same issues. If you know this is your issue, how to cure dark circles under your eyes is an easy one for you if you stick to a schedule and get enough sleep.


Allergic reactions dilate the blood vessels around your eyes, again causing them to be more visible and make dark smudges. Rubbing itchy eyes can exacerbate the issue, so keep your hands away!


Are you drinking enough water? When your body gets dehydrated, your skin starts to dull and get thinner. This makes those blood vessels stand out more against pale skin.

Keep in mind it’s not enough to just be drinking more water. Smoking and alcohol consumption can also dehydrate your skin and make those circles more visible.

Get Rid of Those Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

No matter what the cause, dark circles under your eyes send out unattractive signals to others. Most of the time they don’t indicate a health issue, and getting more sleep and water can help alleviate them. Dark circles under your eyes do go away once you address the underlying cause.

If you found this article helpful, check out others on our site for more fashion, health, and beauty tips.

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