
Keeping Your Sacroiliac Joint Healthy: Tips and Tricks

Would you believe that 65 million Americans suffer from back pain?

The lower back is where many people experience issues since that region bears the most weight. Even doing simple everyday activities can seem like an impossible feat when your back isn’t cooperating. Pinpointing the exact issue with your back can help you come up with a treatment plan.

It’s important to know that the sacroiliac joint may be to blame. What does the sacroiliac joint do and how can you keep it healthy? Read on to learn the best tips.

Do Stretches That Target the Sacroiliac Joint

Stretching is a simple way to improve mobility and reduce pain right away. Some movements can cause more harm than good, so you need to stay in tune with your pain levels and never push beyond your limits.

Hugging your knee to your chest, doing glute bridges, and twisting your spine carefully can loosen you up.

Ease Into Low-Impact Physical Activities

In addition to stretching, you should do your best to maintain an active lifestyle. A common mistake people make when they’re in pain is staying in bed all day.

Getting your body moving by walking or swimming will improve blood flow and ensure that your body has everything it needs to recover.

Take Advantage of Heat and Ice

Whether you have a spinal injury or general aches and pains, applying a hot or cold pack can provide lots of relief. Ice can help numb the pain while heat soothes the affected area.

You could even try taking hot baths with Epsom salts for extra healing powers.

Pay Attention to Your Posture Often

One of the main causes of chronic back pain is poor posture. Thanks to desk jobs and looking down at our smartphones, most people have a bad hunching habit.

Reducing sacroiliac joint pain could be as simple as reminding yourself to straighten your posture whenever you catch yourself starting to slump. You can get more support by slipping into a back brace.

Consider Getting Professional Sacroiliac Joint Care

Some serious spinal injuries and health issues can make treating back pain difficult. If home remedies don’t restore the quality of your life, don’t hesitate to get in touch with some professionals who can help.

From getting a spinal fusion to adjusting your back with a chiropractor and strengthening your muscles with a physical therapist, there are so many wonderful treatments to explore.

What Is the Sacroiliac Joint Treatment for You? Now You Know the Options

Dealing with sacroiliac joint pain is never fun, but it’s comforting to know that you can improve your condition. Following these steps will allow you to notice an immediate change that only gets better over time.

Forming healthy habits as young as possible will give you the foundation you need for a pain-free life. Are you curious about any other tricks you can use to feel good each day? Surf our website so you can discover more genius wellness guides.

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