RV Living

How to Gently Ease Into Full-Time RV Living

Transitioning from living somewhere static to living in an RV comes easily to some people and not so easily to others. Plenty of people who decide to move into their RV on a full-time basis do so almost overnight, but it’s not uncommon to need some time to gradually make the change. Here is how you can gently ease yourself into full-time RV life without feeling too overwhelmed.

Make Your RV More Homey

The first step to making your RV your main home is to give it a personal touch. Arrange your belongings and store your essentials so that being in your RV feels comfortable and easy. Your home should be somewhere safe for relaxing and there are plenty of ways to make an RV just as welcoming as a static type of home.

Set Travel Goals

One of the major benefits of living in an RV is the freedom to travel with independence and choice. Plan the next few trips you want to take in your RV to give yourself something to focus on and look forward to. Having goals like this will distract you from any possible nerves you might feel about the differences between static living and RV living. Ask people in the RV community where they would recommend.

Give Yourself a Break

Sometimes you may find living in an RV overwhelming. Even veteran RV full-timers can occasionally grow tired of their normal routine. Break the discontentment by giving yourself the chance to see somewhere new without your RV. Go somewhere completely unfamiliar like Hawaii and stay in a hotel in Oahu. Every now and then, even the most committed RV fans need some time to unwind in a luxury resort or comfortable hotel. These kinds of experiences can help to restore your energy and remind you of why RV living is so freeing.

Build a List of Your Favorite Spots

If you have lived most of your life in a static home, you might find it easier to transition to RV life by finding a few favorite spots and returning to them frequently for comfort and familiarity. Even better if you can coordinate with other RV friends to convene at these spots throughout the year to debrief after your far-flung travels. Sooner or later, you will learn what kind of campgrounds you prefer and what facilities make you feel most at home. You will also get better at detecting safe surroundings where you can park up overnight.

Remind Yourself Why RV Life is For You

Living in an RV definitely comes with its fair share of difficulties. Not everyone is cut out for the resourcefulness and resilience you need in order to make it work. However, there are so many upsides to living in an RV. As you transition from living between a static home and your RV, keep a list of all the reasons you felt that moving into your RV full-time was the right decision. Reflect on this list every time you feel doubtful or unsure and it will help you remember the exciting and fulfilling parts of this lifestyle.

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