
This Is Why Your Child Should Never Skip an Annual Physical Exam

Did your child go for their well-visit this year?

A nine-state study revealed that 76% of kids do not receive their annual physical exam. Most of the children missing the exam could actually go for free through Medicaid. 

Many parents do not realize the importance of it. Keep reading to learn why your child should not skip theirs.

Timely Screenings

Each year, the doctor screens your child for common problems specific to their age group. Early detection improves their quality of life and gives your kid the best chance for optimal health, even if they detect something.

For instance, at an annual physical exam for children, the pediatrician will check their eyesight and hearing. Glasses or hearing aids provide comfort and improve their development.

A led screening during a time it many kids may get exposed to it can play a significant role in protecting the neurological health of infants. Pediatricians also screen for scoliosis and check the body for any other obvious abnormalities.

Doctors also watch a child’s physical growth. Some serious issues show up in discrepancies with a child’s height and weight.


Polio killed thousands of American children each summer and crippled even more prior to Saben and Saulk creating the necessary vaccines. The measles, mumps, and other diseases carry similar stories.

Getting your child vaccinated on schedule protects them and also prevents these illnesses from making a comeback. Without a viable host, they cannot live on.

Schools require children to get most of the vaccines to attend. The pediatrician may also offer optional inoculations, like the flu shot and the Covid-19 vaccine, that can help your child stay healthy.

Mental Health

Depression and anxiety do not only affect adults. Kids may suffer too, and not know how to tell their parents. 

Pediatric care takes note of their mental wellbeing. The doctor asks important questions to assess kids.

This can also help them discover other mental health conditions early on. Illnesses like schizophrenia, eating disorders, and bipolar disorder can quickly get out of hand when not monitored.

Detection helps get the right support in place and can help keep everything under control. In severe cases, this can save a child’s life.


At an annual physical, the pediatrician tests your child’s development. They look for important developmental milestones.

Some kids develop a little later than others. So a little lag in one area should not alarm you.

But, major delays may point to a serious health problem that needs attention. It also points to areas where they need extra enrichment.

Catching delays early on might help some children catch up. In other cases, it helps them reach their fullest potential, despite any disabilities.

Schedule an Annual Physical Exam

Did you schedule your child’s annual physical exam for this year? If not, put it on the calendar so you do not forget. These well-visits offer peace of mind and detect problems early on to offer the best prognosis.

Keep up on your own wellness, too! Find ways to keep your body healthy on our fitness page!

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