
Understanding How Acoustic Insulation Actually Works in Practice

Noise pollution can have a significant negative impact on our health. You might already be experiencing this but aren’t even aware yet.

If you have children, the concern is even more profound. Research suggests children exposed to 8 hours of noise per day may suffer permanent hearing changes. This can include an inability to hear specific frequencies.

However, there is a solution available. Installing residential or commercial insulation can come at a reasonable cost. Acoustic insulation goes a long way to reducing environmental noise.

If you’re curious about how it works in practice, keep reading while we explain.

Types of Soundproofing

Sound is rated under the Sound Transmission Class (STC) and indicates how well a partition reduces the effect of environmental noise. You have a few choices when it comes to improving the STC of your home or business, providing you do this while in the building process.

Each of these will work to some degree on its own, but for the best insulation, combining them will yield much better results.

Sound Blocking

This uses thick materials to reduce or prevent noise transmission by reflecting the sound into the room.

Sound Absorbing

This uses materials that absorb sound to prevent it from bouncing back into the room or traveling to neighboring areas.

Sound Damping 

This reduces or controls vibrations from traveling through barriers and into any adjacent rooms.

Sound Decoupling

This construction technique separates or decouples one wall face or side from another or the drywall from the framing, allowing the use of isolation clips or channels to reduce or prevent sound transfer.

Types of Acoustic Insulation

When you’re looking at buying a house, you’re going to want to make sure the house has the best sound insulation, or you might find yourself lying awake every night.

Your soundproofing requirements will depend greatly on your needs. For example, are you looking to block outside noise entirely or contain noise within a space, like a home recording studio?

To soundproof your home, you want to look at these types of insulation products:

Now let’s look at the materials used in commercial and residential insulation.

Residential Insulation

Materials like acoustic membranes, soundproof wallpaper, acoustic glass, soundproof doors, and soundproof curtains can all be used in a residential setting.

Some insulation methods need to be implemented during the construction phase, but others like soundproof curtains are only applied after the home is built.

Commercial Insulation

Commercial buildings are often in a more industrial part of the city, where noise pollution is considerably higher than in a residential area. Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem.

Commercial properties can use acoustic fencing, acoustic ceiling systems and tiles, sound absorber panels, and acoustic plaster. Most commercial insulation needs to be done while construction is underway.

If you’re interested in more about commercial soundproofing, learn more here.

Peaceful Home, Peaceful Life

Noise pollution can increase our stress levels, disturb our sleep, and even cause hearing damage, so it’s worth sorting out. So, before you complete your home construction or sign on the dotted line, be sure to look into how acoustic insulation can make your home a more peaceful place to be.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, be sure to have a look at more like this in our Home Improvement section.

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