
What Is an Ent?

Are you dealing with painful sinus problems or chronic infections? Then you may benefit from a visit to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor.

ENT doctors diagnose, prevent, and treat disorders of the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck. Other physicians often refer to an ENT as a head and neck surgeon depending on their certification. An ENT can treat a wide range of conditions including snoring, sleep apnea, laryngitis, chronic ear infections, growth and tumors, blocked nasal passages, and more.

To learn more about what is an ENT and how to find the right one for your needs, read on.

What Is an ENT?

An ENT doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the ear, nose, and throat. ENT doctors are also known as otolaryngologists. 

A top ENT surgeon at Texas ENT Specialists can treat a wide variety of conditions, from the common cold to more serious conditions like deafness and cancer. In addition to treating patients, they also perform surgery to correct problems in the ear, nose, and throat.

Training and Education of an Ent Doctor

To become an Ear Nose Throat doctor, one must first complete four years of medical school and then an additional five to six years of residency training in ENT. During residency, they receive comprehensive education and training in all aspects of the specialty, including surgery.

After completing residency, many choose to pursue additional training through fellowships. These are usually one to two years in duration and provide focused training in a specific area of the specialty. This includes pediatrics, otology/neurotology, or facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Common Procedures Performed by Otolaryngologists

Many ENT procedures are performed in the office, such as: removing foreign bodies from the ear, treating allergies, and prescribing medication for conditions such as the common cold. Other ENT procedures, such as surgery, may be performed in the hospital. Procedures commonly performed by otolaryngologists include but are not limited to:

Ear Tube Placement

Ear tubes are tiny tubes that are placed in the eardrums to improve ventilation and drainage. This is a common procedure performed on patients with chronic ear infections.


This is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. It is often performed on patients who have recurrent tonsillitis.


This is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum. The septum is the bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity in half. A deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing.

Nasal Airway Reconstruction

This is a surgical procedure to improve breathing by correcting abnormalities of the nose. It is often performed on children with congenital defects of the nose.


They also perform cosmetic surgery on the face, including rhinoplasty. This is a surgery to change the shape of the nose. It can be done to improve the appearance of the nose or to improve breathing.

Understanding ENT 

ENT medical doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck. They can help with a wide range of issues, including hearing loss, sinus problems, sleep disorders, and more. 

It is important to understand what is an ENT if you have any issues with your ears, nose, or throat. These doctors are specially trained to deal with these issues and can help you get the treatment you need. This makes them an essential part of the medical community.

Are you interested in learning more about health care and managing your illnesses? Check out the Health section of our blog for more guides and tips.

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