
What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a natural herb native to Southeast Asia. The tree, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, grows in many parts of the Asian continent, mainly in Thailand and Southeast Asia.

There is a rising number of people using kratom. So what is kratom, and why is it such a hot topic?

Keep reading our guide to learn more about this popular herb and its potential benefits.

What Are Kratom Leaves?

Kratom leaves come from tropical trees native to Southeast Asia. The use of the leaves of this tree for medicinal properties dates back centuries. Kratom leaves contain compounds that have stimulant, sedative, or euphoric effects.

Dried kratom leaves are usually ground into a powder form. A person consumes this powder in capsules or made into tea. It also comes as an oil, which one can take via a vaporizer.

Health Benefits of Kratom

Kratom has risen in popularity over the past few years. While it has no approved therapeutical benefits, promoters rely on a few clinical studies showing kratom’s benefits.

The following are some of the health effects kratom may have.

Helps With Anxiety and Depression

Kratom tree leaves are currently known to be a safe treatment for anxiety and depression.

Kratom leaves contain alkaloids that can help regulate mood and ease anxiety. Clinical studies show that kratom tea helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

However, it is good to be wary—the plant still has a few side effects.

Increases Energy Levels

Kratom trees are popular with people looking to increase their energy levels. The leaves contain alkaloids that produce stimulant effects. These alkaloids release into the bloodstream when the leaves are chewed or consumed.

Manual laborers in Southeast Asia use kratom leaves to increase energy levels and productivity. There are also different variants of kratom: learn about green vs white vein kratom to see which might work for you.

Chronic Pain Relief

In recent years, kratom has grown in popularity as a treatment for chronic pain.

Some studies claim that kratom works by reducing pain signals in the brain. These signals increase relaxation and improve mood. In addition, some evidence suggests that kratom may be effective in treating chronic pain.


Kratom tree leaves contain an abundance of beneficial compounds.

In some countries, like Thailand, kratom tree leaves have been used for their anti-inflammatory properties for centuries. Modern science has validated this use and even found new potential benefits.


Kratom is also an effective antidiarrheal compound; as such, it is often included in traditional medicines.

The active ingredients in kratom are alkaloids that bind to the mu-opioid receptor. Some studies have found that kratom reduces intestinal motility, making it effective against diarrhea.

To treat diarrhea, a person ingests the powdered form of the dried kratom leaves. It is also available in capsules and tablets.

A New Miracle Leaf?

Kratom is a helpful health supplement with many potential benefits. While these benefits have been shown in animal studies to date, kratom may become a promising option for treating different conditions in humans.

But more research needs to be completed to confirm these effects. If you want to take kratom, do your research and check with a certified health professional.

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