
5 Digital Business Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Since the COVID pandemic, cybercrime has rapidly increased. With more businesses going online (and being unfamiliar with the online world), existing cybercriminals have more options than ever before. This increasing popularity also leads to some of the smartest criminals in the world going online to make money.

If you don’t put some thought into the common cyber threats, you can lose a serious amount of money and information. Cyber security in the 2020s is just as important as in-person security. 

This article will walk you through some digital business security mistakes that you should avoid if you want to stay safe. 

1. Using Weak Passwords

It’s the simplest mistake out there, but you’d be amazed at how much money is lost every year due to bad password practices. 

Just take a look at this list of the most popular passwords out there. The fact that this list exists at all means that tons of people are picking bad passwords. If your password is on this list, all a hacker would need to do to get into your account is plug each entry in one by one and crack it. 

2. Not Limiting Access

On the topic of passwords, only certain passwords should be provided to certain people. Create a pyramidal hierarchy of information — the most important info should only be accessed by a small number of people. 

Find yourself a great service to provide cyber security solutions and figure out a password structure for you. Determine exactly which employees need which passwords — make sure that no employee has more passwords than necessary. 

3. Lack of Regular Audits

Sometimes, all you need to discover a serious cyber threat is to do some housekeeping. 

Hire a great cyber company that’ll be able to constantly audit any incoming threats. They’ll also be able to monitor potential cracks in your security system. 

You’d make sure your in-person business was locked every night. You should grant your digital business similar care. 

4. Failing to Have a Backup Plan

Unfortunately, even the best security systems out there can’t stop certain attacks. However, this doesn’t mean you need to throw in the towel.

A great IT company doesn’t just devote itself to protecting business data, but to scoping out cybercriminals. They’ll ensure that no criminals are bluffing you and taking you for money you can avoid paying. 

5. Failing to Train Employees

It’s every employee’s responsibility to keep their company safe. However, many people didn’t grow up with the internet and don’t use it in a complete capacity throughout their whole lives. They might be able to perform their job well, but don’t understand when they’re putting you in danger. 

Make sure you train your employees on creating strong passwords and keeping information private to ensure maximum security. 

Understand Digital Business Security Mistakes 

As you can see, there are many digital business security mistakes companies fall into that cost them tons of money. However, by learning from these mistakes, you’ll ensure that your company stays safe from threats. 

For more articles like this, check out our business section. 

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