Eat Deli Meat

5 New Ways to Eat Deli Meat

Have you heard about PLT sandwiches?

Instead of using heavy bacon for a BLT, make a PLT with pancetta. Pancetta is thin deli meat; it’s a type of cured pork belly.

Unlike bacon; pancetta isn’t smoked. The unsmoked meat can add a zest of salty freshness to your breakfast sandwich.

If you’re looking for ways to experiment with your meals, then this article is for you! There are all sorts of fun recipes you can make with lunch meats, and they’re fast and easy too.

What’s a new way you can try eating lunch meat? Read on to find out.

1. Goat Cheese Pairings

Anyone can eat lunch meat with sharp cheddar or Colby Jack. But what about pairing your lunch meats with goat cheese? It makes for a unique flavor experience that’s sure to delight your palate!

Here are some of the best lunch meats to try with goat cheese

  • Suppressor sopressata
  • Prosciutto
  • Salami
  • Pepperoni

If you’re cutting calories, have a look at the healthiest meat options. Then plan out your cheeses.

There are a lot of different goat cheeses to choose from. Goat cheeses tend to have an earthy, rich, deep flavor. However, the flavors and textures of the goat cheese can be wildly different depending on what type you get.

You could try mild relaxing goat cheese or excite yourself with a tangy brand. Goat cheese can also be crumbly, solid, or creamy.

2. Unexpected Sliced Turkey Meals

Sliced turkey is a versatile type of deli meat, making it perfect for all sorts of food combinations. Full of vitamin B, 2 thick slices of turkey is usually right around 125 calories or less.

If you want to get creative with your turkey meat, you have to try to tuck it in taquitos. Lay a piece of turkey meat on a crispy taquito shell and sprinkle on a generous amount of cheese. Wrap it up and cook it in the oven until it’s nice and crunchy.

Cheesy turkey taquitos are fast and easy to make, giving you a meal in 30 minutes or less.

Breakfast Casserole 

If you want to add turkey meat to your breakfast, then try a turkey meat breakfast casserole. Gather up all the ingredients you normally would for an omelet. Don’t forget to cut up slices of turkey meat too.

However, after whipping it all together, put the ingredients in a casserole dish instead of a saucepan. Bake it in the oven until the eggs are light and fluffy, and you’ll be ready to have an excellent hot breakfast.

3. Fast and Simple Pepperoni Meal Ideas

Pepperoni pizzas are great, but it’s not the only place for your savory pepperonis to shine. Whether you prefer a hard pepperoni or a pre-sliced package, there’s a ton of delicious ways to include this flavorful meat in your meals.

Of course, you can always add pepperoni to your charcuterie boards. However, if you’re looking for a more creative approach, you should try stuffing pepperoni slices inside mushrooms. We find that this works best with large portabella mushrooms.

Generously stuff the mushrooms with pepperoni and sausage. After cooking your mini sandwiches in the oven, get ready to share. Warm pepperoni has a delicious aroma that’s sure to get a lot of attention.

4. Perfect Pastrami Pairings and Meal Recipes

Another way to enjoy your lunch meat is by finding the perfect pairings for your pastrami. Pastrami is Romanian meat. It’s typically made using beef brisket, and quality pastrami are full of smokey, spicy flavors.

Thanks to the spicy black pepper and sweet spices, pastrami offers the best of both worlds. Let your pastrami really shine by making fun roll-up snacks.

Pastrami roll-ups are easy to make, and all you’ll need is 3 ingredients; cream cheese, pickles, and of course, pastrami. Spread a thin layer of the cream cheese on the pastrami and cut the pickle up into bite-sized trucks. Slice the pastrami into strips.

Place a piece of a pickle at the top of one of the strips and gently roll it up. Voila! You have delicious cream cheese and pickle pastrami roll-up.

Red Flannel Hash or Salad

If you want to invite pastrami into your breakfast scene, then we suggest trying your hand at creating a red flannel hash. It is the perfect diner dish. Combining pastrami with potatoes and over-easy eggs, you’ll be able to enjoy an explosion of flavor.

Finally, the pastrami is also the perfect salad topper. Cut up a few slices and add it to your traditional house salad for a burst of meaty goodness.

5. Deli Meat Ideas for Kids

Are you looking for ways to eat meat that kids will love? If you want to make fun lunches that are also healthy, try making lunchmeat pockets.

Lunchmeat pockets are the best way to avoid the extra carbs that bread brings to the table. You can use whatever lunch meat you like to make these fun little pockets.

Taking a large slice of lunch meat, put a thin wedge of apple and a rectangular slice of cheddar on its edge. Then gently wrap the lunch meat around the cheese and apple, almost as if you were wrapping a baby in a blanket. The result will be an origami-like food experience.

Meaty Eggs or Soup

Another way to add lunch meat to your kid’s meals is by sprinkling in some ham with their scrambled eggs. Add in a few vegetables, such as spinach or asparagus, and you’ll have the perfect breakfast blend.

You can even make vegetable soup for your kids with lunch meat. Take whatever their favorite can of vegetable soup is and add a little bit of smoked ham. The soup will have an extra loving flavor impact more of a punch.

Experience Lunch Meat in a Whole New Light

Instead of seeing deli meat as something you have to put on a sandwich, be creative. Pick one of the food ideas from this article, and find a way to put your own spin on it.

Make your own meaty scrambled eggs or keep it simple with lunchmeat pockets. If you need inspiration, introducing new cheeses to the scene is always a good idea.

We’re sure you’ll have to make one of these fun food ideas tonight. For more fun ideas, read another one of our articles.

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