
5 Sure Signs of a Mole Infestation In Your Yard

Moles are a common yard critter that can be found almost anywhere around the world, except for Antarctica and South America. Moles can do a lot of damage not only to your yard but also to the foundation of your home. 

Yard moles can be tricky pests to get rid of. There are a few yard pests that can also cause damage and may be similar to mole damage. Take a look at some common signs that you have a mole infestation in your yard.

1. Raised Tunnels Throughout Your Yard

Noticing raised tunnels meandering around your yard can make you question: do I have moles in my yard? If you see ridge-like tunnels appearing on the surface of your lawn, you most likely have a mole problem.

Raised tunnels look like small mountain ridges and can be spread throughout a yard. There is no particular pattern for these tunnels, but they appear wherever a mole has been traveling underground.

Moles dig complex underground burrows in yards with abundant food sources. These critters can dig up to 150 feet of tunnels every day!

Raised tunnels are only created by moles. Other burrowing critters, such as voles or gophers, don’t create ridge-like surface tunnels.

2. Small Holes Scattered Around Your Property

Moles are fairly small rodents and leave tiny holes for entrances and exits to their tunnels. Finding mole holes can be quite difficult because they tend to dig tunnel entrances in discreet places. Mole holes are generally two inches wide and slightly larger than vole holes.

Moles are pretty solitary animals and do not live in large groups. Therefore, it’s unlikely that there will be more than a handful of holes around your yard.

3. Loose Soil

When moles create their burrows, they loosen the soil up around their tunnels in the process. If you walk around your yard and notice that your lawn feels squishy under your feet, this could be the result of moles loosening the soil.

Moles are considered natural soil aerators. While this does promote plant growth and soil health, too much loose soil can damage your yard and the foundation of your home.

The foundation of your home is at risk when you have a mole infestation. Moles can dig pretty deep tunnels. The average depth of a mole tunnel is about three feet deep, but they can burrow deeper. 

Loose soil can hold pockets of water, which can negatively affect the foundation of a house. It can lead to cracks in the foundation. Moles are also able to burrow under homes with shallow foundations, which can lead to more damage.

4. Damaged or Dying Flowers

If you notice your garden or flowers around your property starting to deteriorate, a mole might be the culprit. Unlike voles, which mostly eat roots and plant matter, moles don’t feed on your plants. However, moles love to snack on common garden insects, such as grubs, beetles, and worms. 

Moles will dig burrows throughout your garden because it’s likely the most common place to find food. Even though moles don’t eat roots, digging tunnels around plants can be harmful.

When garden soil is loosened by mole tunnels, the soil is unable to hold a lot of nutrients. A little soil aeration is great for plant health, but moles can loosen up the soil too much. This can kill flowers or prevent plants from growing.

5. Dead Grass and Weed Growth

Dead grass surrounding raised tunnels is a sure sign that you have a mole infestation. As moles dig their tunnels, they disrupt the root system of grasses in the process. This can cause the grass to die off near tunnels. 

The mounds of dirt that moles leave behind when burrowing can also contribute to increased weed growth. Mounds of dirt are ideal conditions for weeds to grow. More weeds can also contribute to dying grass because weeds typically outcompete grass for nutrients.

How to Get Rid of a Mole Infestation

Getting rid of moles can be pretty difficult. Since they spend so much time underground, it’s hard to even spot the mole that’s causing damage to your yard. However, there are a few mole termination tactics you can use to get rid of the mole wreaking havoc in your yard:


The most humane way to get rid of a mole in your yard is to set up live traps. If you managed to find a mole tunnel entryway, set up the live trap there to increase your chances of catching the critter.

To lure the mole into the trap, you’ll need to place something inside the back of the trap that will entice the mole to enter it. Since moles eat grubs and other insects, you can collect these insects around your yard or buy live bait from a store.

You can also try strong-smelling foods, such as peanut butter, to encourage the mole to investigate the smell. The mole won’t eat the peanut butter, but it will make them curious.

Moles have a great sense of smell, which you can use to your advantage by luring them into a trap with bait.  If you use live insect bait, place the insects in a covered container with small holes poked in it so the mole will be able to smell it.

Mole Repellants

Several natural repellants can deter moles from returning. Moles hate the smell of peppermint oil, coffee grounds, and castor oil. Peppermint oil and coffee grounds smell very strong to moles and can cause them to vacant your yard.

You can create a diluted spray with water and castor or peppermint oil. Be careful to not use too much of these oils on your lawn, as they can kill your grass. Spray the castor or peppermint oil mixture around mole holes and tunnels daily. The mole will become irritated by the smell and most likely leave. You can also scatter coffee grounds to deter them.

Mole Extermination Services

If you’re having trouble getting rid of your mole infestation and the above methods have not worked, it may be time to call a mole extermination service. Mole exterminators will be able to capture the mole in your yard and remove it from the property. They may also inform you of other ways to keep moles out of your yard in the future.

Signs of Moles in Your Yard

The most apparent sign that you have a mole infestation in your yard is the ridge-like surface tunnels that appear. Other signs discussed maybe a mole, but can also be caused by a similar burrowing critter. The best way to get rid of the mole in your yard is to trap it and remove it from your property, use mole repellants, or call a mole extermination service. 

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