
Are Axolotls Good Pets?

Are you on the lookout for a new pet? Consider picking up an axolotl. Many people associate them with fish, but they’re technically salamanders.

You won’t be able to pick your axolotl up and cuddle it, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be your companion. They’re adorable and easy to take care of. 

They don’t need a huge, 80-gallon tank, and they live for a long time. There are a variety of things you can feed them, and they have a pretty chill temperament. 

Still asking yourself, “are axolotls good pets?” Check out this care guide to learn more about them. 

They’re Adorable 

Pet axolotls are unique and adorable to look at. They have a constant large smile on their face. 

Most axolotls are albino, but they do come in other colors. We will warn you that if you want a beautiful golden axolotl, it’s going to cost you. The non-albino ones are often much more expensive. 

It’s Not Difficult to Keep Them Fed 

When it comes to feeding your pet axolotl, you’ve got options. Most of them eat small fish, worms, and insects. 

Tiny strips of beef, brine shrimp, and liver aren’t off the table either. As a warning, it’s recommended that you buy commercial food pellets for them. 

Don’t catch your own tiny fish and give it to your axolotl. They may have harmful parasites that could make your pet sick. 

As far as how much you should feed your pet, it depends on their age and how big they are. If you’re worried about getting the food measurements wrong, your vet can help you out. 

If you would like to bond with your pet, you can feed your axolotl with your hand. It might bite you on accident, but it won’t hurt. It’s sort of like running your hand over sandpaper. 

Let’s say that you want to go on vacation for a couple of days, and you don’t have anyone who can feed your pet for you while you’re gone. You’ll be happy to know that your pet will live. 

Axolotls can go days without eating. If you leave it alone without food for a week, it might stress it out, but it won’t be the end of the world. 

They Have Small Tank Requirements 

Something you need to know about axolotl as pets are that salamanders prefer to stick to the bottom of their tank. That means they’re going to need plenty of space to move around. 

You won’t need to invest in a huge tank to suit this purpose. A wide 20-gallon aquarium will do fine unless you have more than one axolotl. 

For the most part, axolotls are peaceful, but they’re still predators at the end of the day. They will get territorial over food if you have two salamanders in a tiny tank. 

They Live For a Long Time

If you’re like most people, it’s hard for you to not bond with your pet emotionally. It’s sad, but many pets have short lifespans. 

If you want to teach your child a lesson about life and death, don’t get them an axolotl. While sitting in your home, away from the natural stressors that they experience in the wild, they can live for over 20 years.

They Aren’t Hard to Please

Keeping an axolotl tank clean is a lot easier than keeping a regular fish tank clean. As a rule, larger aquariums are simple to manage because you won’t have to change the water as often. 

An Axolotl’s waste comes out in larger chunks that you can scoop out of the tank. You’ll need to remove their leftover food so it doesn’t contaminate their water. 

Axolotls are cold-blooded, which can make their temperature requirements a little complicated. You can go here to discover more

Axolotls Aren’t Expensive 

Buying an axolotl will be a little more expensive than buying a goldfish, but getting one won’t break the bank. A regular albino axolotl will run you about 30 dollars. 

If you want to buy a rarer one, you’ll have to dish out about a hundred dollars. 

The main area where you’re going to spend a lot of money is their tank. It’s easy to dump hundreds of dollars into an aquarium and accessories to keep your pet happy and healthy. 

They Can Regrow Their Limbs

Axolotls are cute, but they can also be strange. The weirdest thing about them is that if they lose an arm, it’s not a big deal. They can grow it back. 

They can even regrow more complicated body parts like their heart. That doesn’t mean that they’re immune to certain health conditions. 

If your axolotl becomes more sluggish than normal, you’ll need to take it to a vet the same way you would any other pet. 

They’re Chill 

The last reason why axolotls make good pets is that they’re calm. They aren’t sociable animals, so if you never buy them a companion, it won’t hurt their feelings. 

They may wonder up to you while you watch them in their tank. Your pet will be able to recognize you as their human, but they won’t require much attention from you. 

Are Axolotls Good Pets? We’d Say Yes! 

So, are axolotls good pets? The answer is yes! They’re easy to manage, they have a chill temperament, they aren’t expensive to own, and they can regrow their limbs! 

They’re delicate animals that you can’t pick up and cuddle, but that doesn’t make them any less valid as a pet. If you’re looking for more tips that will allow you to care for your axolotl, visit the Lifestyle section of our blog. 

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