
What Does a Smile Makeover Include?

How often do you notice somebody’s smile? If you’re like most people, it’s probably one of the first things you spot. A person’s smile contributes greatly to your first impression of them. 

Smiles can have more tangible benefits, too. For example, a Penn State study found that a good smile can go a long way toward earning a promotion at work. A smile makes you appear more competent and less nervous. 

However, many people have some insecurities regarding their smiles. Maybe their teeth have stains or misalignments. 

If that describes you, don’t worry! A smile makeover treatment can help you correct these issues. We’ll explore how smile makeover treatments work and what they include in this guide.

How Does a Smile Makeover Procedure Work?

Smile makeover treatments give you an appealing and healthy smile. Dentists can do this by considering several factors, such as:

  • facial appearance
  • hair color
  • skin tone
  • teeth condition
  • gum tissue
  • lips

In many cases, a smile makeover falls under the “cosmetic dentistry” category. It doesn’t necessarily seek to create healthier smiles, although this is often a byproduct. Instead, it aims to make your smile appear more attractive. 

Your cosmetic dentist develops a treatment based on your preferences and dental health. During the consultation, patients can discuss what they’d like from a makeover and what they dislike about their current smile. 

Many dislikes are common and have quick fixes. Some of these issues include misaligned teeth, stains, discoloration, and tooth decay.

Correct Misaligned Teeth

There are a few ways to correct misaligned teeth. However, these treatments may take significant lengths of time to complete. 

Some of the most common treatments are metal braces. You’ve probably seen braces on many children and adolescents. 

Braces consist of small metal brackets that attach to your teeth with dental adhesives. Orthodontists then install an orthodontic wire to tighten the brackets together and put pressure on your teeth. Metal braces can often correct severely misaligned teeth. 

Another solution is Invisalign. You may hear these referred to as “clear aligners.” Dentists create custom-made transparent trays for each patient based on the size of their teeth structure. 

Invisalign trays don’t attach directly to your teeth. In fact, you can remove them anytime. You’ll usually have to remove these aligners during meals and when brushing your teeth. 

Invisalign is also a valid choice for correcting critical misalignments. However, they’re often more expensive than standard metal braces. 

Correct Tooth Discoloration for Perfect Teeth

Teeth discoloration is another problem that affects many people. This discoloration can come from many factors like diet, age, and smoking habits. 

However, discoloration doesn’t have to remain permanent. A cosmetic dentist can usually resolve this discoloration with an in-office teeth whitening. 

Usually, in-office teeth whitening procedures follow a similar pattern. First, the dentist inserts a cheek retractor into the patient’s mouth. This retractor exposes the teeth that become visible when you smile. 

Then, they use a liquid rubber dam they paint onto your gum tissue. This step protects your gums from potential irritation caused by the teeth-bleaching gel. 

Next, dentists apply a bleaching gel to your exposed teeth and keep it on for 15-30 minutes. After your time limit runs out, the dentist will suction your teeth and wash the gel away. Then, they’ll apply a fresh gel for additional periods until they achieve the desired whiteness.

In extreme discoloration cases, whitening gels may not be enough to resolve the issue. Sometimes, the dentist may prescribe porcelain veneers to help you whiten your teeth. 

Porcelain veneers are chip-like materials that attach to the surface of your teeth. They can provide additional whitening aid to help you get the perfect teeth. Porcelain veneers can also correct minor misalignments in your teeth.

Replace Missing Teeth

Another issue that can affect your smile is missing teeth. In addition to worsening your smile, missing teeth can cause several health issues. Without teeth to protect them, your gums leave openings that bacteria can inhabit. 

Fortunately, replacing missing teeth is now easier than ever. Dentists usually have two approaches for replacing a missing tooth:

  • dental implants
  • bridges

Dental implants resemble your teeth. Sometimes, dentists bolt these teeth to your gums so that they extend to your root. These teeth are the sturdiest and most permanent replacements.

However, other tooth replacements exist. Sometimes, dentists may provide replacements that attach to your gums via dental adhesives. However, these teeth can fall out easily.

Finally, there are bridges. Dental bridges are false teeth held in place by abutment teeth on either side of your gap. These bridges are less sturdy than implants, but they can restore your bite and improve oral health.

Whether you receive a dental implant or a bridge, these replacements improve your smile. Either of these options can move you toward the perfect smile!

How Does a Smile Makeover Begin?

Before you receive any of these treatments, you’ll first schedule an appointment with a dentist. This initial appointment focuses on developing a treatment plan.

During this time, your dentist will assess your oral health. They’ll ensure you have no cavities or severe dental issues. If any oral disease or problem exists, dentists must treat it before beginning your smile makeover. 

Finally, dentists use software to give their patients an idea of what the final smile will resemble. Patients can also request before and after photos of previous patients to review the dental office’s track record. 

Schedule Your Smile Makeover Appointment

A smile makeover treatment can transform your smile into a perfect one. All you have to do is schedule your first appointment.

So, don’t hesitate! Search your area to find the best cosmetic dentist and begin your treatment.

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